The next step on our journey is to install Adobe ColdFusion 9.x in the multi-server configuration.
- Download the installer from You WILL need an Adobe ID, but it's free to sign up. If it's not version 9.01, be sure to grab that update as well.
- If you don't already have it, you'll need to install the .NET framework (required for the install to complete).
- As mentioned previously, we want to use the multiserver install option after running the .exe, and make sure to configure internal web server (we'll address the connector later). Also, the developer edition will be fine for our purposes. The path I chose was c:\cf_dev\jrun. Install whatever options you want, but keep in mind they're a pain to get in after the fact.
- If you need to run the 901 (or other) updater, you need to stop services before hand. The two main ones are Macromedia JRun Admin and Macromedia JRun CFusion need to be stopped. There's also going to be several "ColdFusion" related services that need to be stopped. You can go ahead and set the Admin instance of ColdFusion to manual, as we'll only use that if we want to add a new CF instance.
- If you're feeling adventurous, grab a CF8,7,6 installer. Choose the last option of a ColdFusion EAR/WAR (EAR specifically). Choose the install location to be c:\cf_dev\jrun4\servers\<someinstance>.
- Manually open your unzipping program (winzip works), extract c:\cf_dev\jrun4\servers\<someinstance>\cfusion-ear out to the folder cfusion-ear. Go into cfusion-ear and extract cfusion-war out to cfusion-war and META-INF.
- The XML file in META-INF will be wrong, you need to change it so it looks like:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<!DOCTYPE application PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD J2EE Application 1.3//EN" "">
- Start that Admin instance back up, and log into it at localhost:8000, and use the user "admin" and password <whatever you set the default cf password at>.
- Click the "create a new server" link. The server name MUST match the folder name you created in step 1. Ports and such can be left the same.
- Create a service for this bugger, bring up a command prompt and run c:\cf_dev\jrun4\bin\jrunsvc -install <foldername> <foldername> "Macromedia JRun <foldername> Server" "Macromedia JRun <foldername> Server" -config <path to jvm.config if you want different JVM settings, which you'll need for older CF versions, JVMs are not going to be compatible>
- Start the service, and be happy.
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