Having fun at NCDevCon
I think I'm going to stay with the Mobile track today. The exception being a session on Node.js. At least I'll be able to see what that's all about. This is well worth the $60 price tag, for sure.
I think I'm going to stay with the Mobile track today. The exception being a session on Node.js. At least I'll be able to see what that's all about. This is well worth the $60 price tag, for sure.
I'm going to my first CF conference! To be honest, it's because for the first time in 10 years I'm a) close enough to get there by car in under an hour, b) since I've never had a company want to foot the bill, also able to afford this one.
Now I guess I'm going to have to figure out what sessions I can make... and how the heck I can bribe a babysitter to stay long enough so that I can make the Saturday networking event. Ah, the joys of parenthood.
Sorry ya'll, it's going to be a slow month. I'm in the throes of paper work hell at the moment. I'm trying to gather together everything I need to close on a house by the end of the month. I'm also trying to get my taxes finalized and filed. There's issues of finding birth certificates for school registrations. And that's just outside of work ;).
I'm in the process of reviewing an application, and trying to track down a major performance issue with another. Busy, busy, busy. I think tomorrow I'll post a little bit of code that's a basic monitor to see if an instance is available.
Tis a sad, sad day. I've been informed by the banker lady that in order to not exceed financial limits placed on a mortgage I'm seeking, I'm going to be required to dissolve my LLC. Bugger.
However, on a happier note, our house hunting is over. An offer has been made, and if it's accepted, we'll be moving in somewhere in March. At the very least with the weather being what it is in NC, it should be fairly mild, if not downright pleasant.
So, on to work. I'm thinking my next post is going to be about creating *. CERTs and using them in IIS, or maybe the start of my next FarCry library. I'm thinking of doing a webstore and seeing how that flies. Should be fun! I'm also preparing to take my CF exam to become "Certified" and all that.
Ya'll have a good weekend. The whole family here is sick, so it's unlikely I'm going to move forward with any projects until Monday. Plus, there's a house to look at, a van (which I swore to never, EVER, do again. I was wrong), and servers to patch on Sunday. This is Matthew Williams, so long, and good night.
I ended up at urgent care with something in my eye. No part II tonight.