919 - 926 - 9847

FarCry 5.2 + Railo + Resin + Apache + MySQL + CentOS - Addendum 1

I had an "Ah HA!" moment when I got home tonight. I copied in my FarCry core folder from my known good Ubuntu Railo/FarCry install over to my CentOS install and still had issues. I tried several iterations of this, and then I had a think. I pulled up the Railo admin on my Ubuntu install, and noticed I had it at .012. And then it hit me... I was actually in a discussion about this with others on the google groups. I thought I had tried it at, but I think I did not complete the upgrade step.

So, I copied the .012 install of Railo over to the CentOS box and it worked! Huzzah! So, it appears that .012 remains the most supported version at this point in time. I'm hosting a copy of this file on my site, but please be gentle! I don't want to hear it from my host that ya'll are killing my server. You can grab the file here.

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