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Installing FarCry as a virtual site in IIS

This is specific to the FarCry 4.0 release. At the time of this writing, you can grab it from http://www.jeffcoughlin.com/?pg=11. From this site, be sure to get farcry_core, fourq, farcry_mollio, farcry_lib.farcrycms.

First, our directory structure. Unzip the zips into

You will need to create a project folder. Create a copy of farcry_mollio, and place it into either: C:\farcry40\somesite Or C:\websites\somesite

If the folder is placed outside of the FarCry root, additional steps will need to be followed. Those steps will be listed below. Follow the steps below to complete the installation. Please note that the folder paths used are merely provided as an example.

  1. Open the IIS administrator. Add the virtual site somesite off of your main domain website. Eg. Mainsite.com/somesite. To do this, right click the website to modify, and click New->Virtual Directory.
  2. Fill in the Alias as somesite, click Next. Path will be either C:\farcry40\somesite\www, or the optional folder outside of farcry at C:\websitse\somesite\www.
  3. Choose access permissions as appropriate for your environment. Click Next then Finish to continue.
  4. Create a new virtual directory in a similar fashion for farcry. Right click the newly created somesite folder and click New->Virtual Directory. The alias is farcry and the path is C:\farcry40\farcry_core\admin.
  5. Create a new database user/schema/database/etc to hold the FarCry table information. This document is database agnostic, and assumes the user has some means of affecting these changes. Regardless, FarCry should have its own schema/database to reside in.
  6. Log into the ColdFusion (CF for short) administrator and create mapping for a logical path of /farcry and directory path of C:\farcry40.
  7. Optional - if the project folder is outside of the FarCry folder, create a mapping for a logical path of /farcry/somesite and a directory path of C:\websites\somesite.
  8. Create a new CF datasource called somesite_farcry pointing to the database/schema created in step 5.
  9. And, this was submitted to the FarCry list... change somesite\www\install\FlightCheck.cfc to:
    <cfinclude template="/#arguments.siteName#/install/ping/index.cfm" />
  10. At this point you should now be ready to run the FarCry installation scripts. Open a browser to mainsite.com/somesite/install. If running from somewhere other than localhost, be sure to edit C:\farcry40\somesite\www\install\Application.cfm (or C:\websites\somesite\www\install\Application.cfm) to reflect your IP.
  11. Fill in the required fields. The application name must match the folder name you've created. In this case it is somesite. Fill in the DSN name, and the database type. The website mapping should be /somesite and the FarCry mapping should be /somesite/farcry. Choose to install the farcrycms library, and if in production, remove the installation folder.
  12. At this point, everthing should be ready to go. Click Install and watch the output of the screen. If any errors occur, either report them back to the FarCry mailing list, or investigate where the installer indicates there to be a problem.
  13. Add this line to somesite\config\_serverSpecificVars.cfm: <cfset application.url.webroot = "/somesite">

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