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Addendum to FarCry and IONIC rewriting

I tried to use IONIC and FarCry. I really did. I spent several days/weeks (eh, I have 5 kids man... I've rather lost track of the exact time) trying to make this filter work the new friendly URLs created by FarCry. The previous blog posting appeared to work, except... several areas of the admin became unworkable. Mostly areas like the library picker. Also, I ran into the odd issue where you'd want to append URL variables not working. Jeff Coughlin and I also posted to the IONIC boards hoping for some assistance (guidance?) but in the end, it's still just broken. Heck, I even tried various version of the filter. In any case, it just never worked 100% and I've since given up.

So, where does that leave us? You can either switch to Apache. Or, you can start using the Helicon rewriting filter. There IS a free version of this filter, BUT... the downside is you're limited to either one website or ALL websites. The per server license for the full blown suite is about $99, but I hate having to pay for this filter for some reason. I'm just cheap, I suppose. Or, maybe it's due to everyone thinking the "ColdFusion" types are already pricey to begin with? At any rate, the free version works for me. Failing that I'm planning to switch to Apache for those cases where I need multiple site support.

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Comments (Comment Moderation is enabled. Your comment will not appear until approved.)
Justin Carter's Gravatar I haven't tried IIRF with FarCry 5.x yet as I haven't had the chance, but I know IIRF includes support for exclusions - couldn't you set this up for your /admin (or /webtop folder or whatever it's called now?) so that it won't process any URLs inside that folder?
# Posted By Justin Carter | 7/1/09 8:43 PM
Michael Groves's Gravatar ...Or you could just tell it to pass all the variables for admin related pages with a very short entry. The only reason I use Helicon is if I have to port forward to apache/tomcat pages on a win server as Ionic doesn't support this yet.

I told ya to give me a call and I'd work with ya on this one. Maybe next time heh?
# Posted By Michael Groves | 7/4/09 9:26 PM
Matthew Williams's Gravatar @Justin> Yep... and I did add exceptions for /farcry, /cfide, etc and so forth. I forget what was odd about the open library call, but I didn't see any way to catch at the time.

@Michael> I was just simpler to let it go. The speed of relying on Helicon was faster as it was just one rule (as opposed to several that I ended up with for IONIC), and the rules work on both Windows and Linux if you follow the typical Apache syntax. I'd like to move towards all Linux VPS for future work anyway as I'd rather use the server resources towards actual content delivery vs diverting resources to driving windows.
# Posted By Matthew Williams | 7/6/09 1:12 PM
Michael Groves's Gravatar No problem. Just thinkin of those times when we can't have the server setups we want. I also am moving away from the processing intensive hosting.
My new sites are all leaning away from Adobe CF and MSSQL server, instead I'm developing my new stuff around Railo and MySQL with some java thrown
in for good measure. The performance on one server increased by 50 percent. Content delivery speeds increased by double and server memory usage
dropped by no less than 300 MB. IONIC entries take a little time getting used to but when you get em down to the science they work very well.

Its probably been said, but these rewriters are deved for windows environs needing rewrite capability.

If your moving to Linux then you will have a full featured rewrite in httpd.
# Posted By Michael Groves | 7/8/09 9:52 AM