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FarCry 4 formtools issues

Here's a strange one that I came across yesterday. I was working on making a new site available for some community type work (www.fouroakskidskampus.com), when I found an issue with the default FarCrycms plugin. I'll post the code, see if you can spot the error.

<!--- wiz: General Details --->
<cfproperty ftseq="1" ftfieldset="Event Overview" ftwizardStep="General Details" name="title" type="string" hint="Title of object." required="no" default="" ftLabel="Title" ftvalidation="required" />
<cfproperty ftseq="2" ftfieldset="Event Overview" ftwizardStep="General Details" name="startDate" type="date" hint="The start date of the event" required="no" default=""ftDefaultType="Evaluate" ftDefault="now()" ftType="datetime" ftDateFormatMask="dd mmm yyyy" ftTimeFormatMask="hh:mm tt" ftToggleOffDateTime="false" ftlabel="Start Date" />
<cfproperty ftseq="3" ftfieldset="Event Overview" ftwizardStep="General Details" name="endDate" type="date" hint="The end date of the event" required="no" default=""ftDefaultType="Evaluate" ftDefault="DateAdd('d', 5, now())" ftType="datetime" ftDateFormatMask="dd mmm yyyy" ftTimeFormatMask="hh:mm tt" ftToggleOffDateTime="false" ftlabel="End Date" />
<cfproperty ftseq="5" ftfieldset="Event Overview" ftwizardStep="General Details" name="displayMethod" type="string" hint="Display method to render." required="yes" default="display" fttype="webskin" ftprefix="displayPage" ftlabel="Content Template" />

The above was pulled from plugins/farcrycms/packages/types/dmEvent.cfc. It was not displaying any webskins, even though they were in the correct path. Placing new webskins in the project folder failed as well. It's only when the webskins existed in the core folders that you actually were able to see them.

<cfproperty ftseq="1" ftfieldset="General Details" ftwizardStep="General Details" name="title" type="string" hint="News title." required="no" default="" ftlabel="Title" ftvalidation="required" />
<cfproperty ftseq="2" ftfieldset="General Details" ftwizardStep="General Details" name="source" type="string" hint="source of the information contained in the content" required="no" default="" ftlabel="Source" />
<cfproperty ftseq="3" ftfieldset="General Details" ftwizardStep="General Details" name="displayMethod" type="string" hint="Display method to render." required="yes" default="display" fttype="webskin" ftprefix="displayPage" ftlabel="Content Template" />
<cfproperty ftseq="4" ftfieldset="Categorisation" ftwizardStep="General Details" name="catNews" type="string" hint="News categorisation." required="no" default="" fttype="category" ftalias="dmnews" ftlabel="News Category" />

This next was pulled from plugins/farcrycms/packages/types/dmNews.cfc. Did you see it? It's not real blatant. Alright, this is where it's at, if you notice that ftseq in dmNews does not skip a sequence. The sequence in dmEvent DOES have a gap. Odd, but that's what seemed to break it. Renaming "ftseq=5" to "ftseq=4" fixed the issue. Groovy, baby.

Comments (Comment Moderation is enabled. Your comment will not appear until approved.)
Michael Sharman's Gravatar Hi Matthew,

That is interesting as it really shouldn't have made a difference, indeed often developers choose to leave a gap in the ftSeq (particularly between fieldsets) so they can 'inject' properties which might be added at a later date.

Remember that webskins can be cached in memory, so make sure you either updateApp or be running in developer mode before looking for anything you might have added.

# Posted By Michael Sharman | 3/2/07 9:53 PM
Matthew Williams's Gravatar Agreed... although I did update the application scope, and even restarted my machine. No dice. Maybe there's something else underlying the issue... I'll try to reproduce this issue sometime over the weekend.
# Posted By Matthew Williams | 3/2/07 10:38 PM